Q: Making the transition from legend cars to late models what are you expecting for this season?
IR: Whenever this season gets back going my main goal is to learn as much as I possibly can. Both about the cars and the new tracks. I want to get a win and finish in the top five for the majority of the races.
Q: With having a twin brother, how competitive are you two with all the activities you guys are involved in?
IR: Having my brother is like a race inside of a race, because I want to win and do the best I can during the race, but I also want to beat him every race.
#NationalSiblingsDay pic.twitter.com/qvuFnWAmZR
— Isabella Robusto (@IsabellaRobusto) April 11, 2020
Q: What activities have you participated in during this time away from the track?
IR: Some things that I have done since the end of race season is I have be doing a lot of Iracing. Before the pandemic happened I did not do a lot of Iracing, but now I do it on a day to day basis. I also am practicing high jump, and basketball a lot more.
Some track action with my @FortMillJackets but not in my race car. That’s coming soon though at @SoBoSpeedway57 with @RevRacin!! pic.twitter.com/A2ujkkqtA8
— Isabella Robusto (@IsabellaRobusto) March 11, 2020
Q: Who was your favorite driver growing up and why?
IR: My favorite driver from growing up was and still is Kyle Busch, because I love how he puts himself out their and cares more about winning than anything else. I also love how aggressive he is out on the race track.
Q: If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?
IR: If I where an animal I would be a dog, because I can be cute and playful at times, and I can be aggressive and fearful at other times.
Q: Favorite food and why?
IR: My favorite food is avocado, and I like it on anything from toast to eggs or even a sandwich. I never really liked avocado until last year.
Q: What do you miss about racing and being at the track?
IR: I miss getting to see all my friends at the tracks and getting that rush of energy that racing side by side on the track gives you.
Q: With being a track athlete in your time away from the racetrack, how do the two sports relate when you’re competing?
IR: Both track and racing need a lot of preparation and practice to be good at. I go to track practice after school every day and work on my skill for high jump and long jump. It is the same with racing, because you have to learn the car and the track, and the more practice you have the better and better you get.
Q: Are there any special talents or skills that you have that the no one else knows about you?
IR: Some skills that not many people know I have is that I can high jump 5 feet 4 inches, and long jump 15 and a half feet. Another skill I have is I can kick a 35 yard field goal and kicked for the 8th grade football team doing punts, kickoffs and field goals.